New Vendor: Fathouse Fabrication

We are super excited to partner with Fathouse Fabrications

We are now offering the entire line of Fathouse Fabrications parts at Carolina Speedworks.

This includes parts for both your SN197 and S550 Mustangs.

All parts available are listed below and does not include shipping.

If you have any questions regarding these products please don’t hesitate to call us.

Part# Description Price
S197-LWB-CC 2005-2014 Light Battery/Catch Can Combo $475
S197-LWB-PLK S197 Pushlock Line/Fitting Kit $100
S197-LWB-HLK S197 Braided Line/ Fitting Kit $165
S197-LWB 2005-2014 Light Battery Kit no Catch Can $399.99
S197-LWB-CC-NoBatt 2005-2014 Kit minus battery $350
S197 Catch Can 2011-2014 Firewall Mount Catch Can $199.99
S197-FBSM 2005-2014 Fixed Back Seat Mounts $229.99
S197-KSM 2005-2014 Bolt In Kirkey Seat Mounts $229.99
S197-Race-CC coated 2005-2014 Race Version Catch Can 10AN or 12AN Vents coated black $450
S197-Race-CC 2005-2014 Race Version Catch Can 10AN or 12AN Vents $399.99
S197-Race-CC-HLK-12AN 2005-2014 Race Catch Can Braided Line/ Fitting Kit $215
S197-Race-CC-PLK-12AN 2005-2014 Race Catch Can Pushlock Line/ Fitting Kit $150
S197-Race-CC-HLK-10AN 2005-2014 Race Catch Can Braided Line/ Fitting Kit $200
S197-Race-CC-PLK-10AN 2005-2014 Race Catch Can Pushlock Line/ Fitting Kit $125



Part# Description Price
S550-LWB-CC 2015-2017 Light Battery/ Catch Can Combo $475
S550-LWB-PLK S550 Pushlock Line/Fitting Kit $140
S550-LWB-HLK S550 Braided Line/ Fitting Kit $200
S550-LWB 2015-2018 Light Battery Kit no Catch Can $399.99
S550-LWB-CC-NoBatt 2015-2018 Kit Minus Battery $350
S550-Race-CC Fender mounted S550 Low mount Twin Turbo Catch Can $349.99
S550-Race-CC-PLK Pushlock Line Kit $160
S550-Race-CC-HLK Hose/Braided Line Kit $230
S550-GFB-Mount Gforge II Boost Controller Coin Tray Mount $44.99
S550-BL-Mount Boost Leash Coin Tray Mount $44.99
S550-KSM 2015+ Bolt In Kirkey Seat Mounts $229.99
S550-FBSM 2015+ Bolt in Fixed Back Seat Mounts $229.99



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